Unheard-of Event

We see and hear every hour that an unheard-of event is taking place. And although the unrest is increasing, it is getting calmer and calmer. We stay at home, see fewer people and think about how to go on. 


In this restless calm, moments of blandness appear. So things are pushed, moved, put away or misplaced; filing is done and laundry is laid out; full cellars and cupboards have to be cleared out - because now we have time.

Cornucopia of blandness

But what do you do if there is suddenly an emptiness, a space, previously completely unused, a room with a view but without an idea? Despair or work?


The philosophical farmers call: Work!


Therefore, since 23.03.2020, we are filling an empty bland room with stuff bit by bit together with friends - for 40 days (according to Lev 12, 1-8 the minimum, in short: quarantine), that is until 01.05.2020.


The motto is: "Feeling bland. 40 days in a box".


Everything that reminds of artificiality from afar is admitted and, as the saying goes, should be arranged. Every evening we will add new stuff to the room and document the cornucopia of blandness here:

We are looking forward to the artworks of our guests Marven Graf, Greta, Tavi MeraudKurt Werner Peukert, Olivia W. SeilingJohanna TiedtkeAndree Volkmann, Detlef Weitz, Nike Wilhelm, Tammo Winkler and to the artworks of ourselves (Ursula AchternkampArthur Baron von AktaionHelmut Kraus, Peter Malnikow, Maeve von Ungern-Tannenberg). We thank chezweitz GmbHFRIZZ23Forum Berufsbildung BerlinLothar Beeck Bauunternehmung 

und der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung.

Empty Bland Room

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Sea of Synonyms

P.S.: Behind all the coming stuff, the blandness glows. Here's an extract from the sea of synonyms (only german):


abgestanden, dünn, flau, gehaltlos, geschmacklos, kraftlos, ohne Aroma/Geschmack/Würze, schal, schlecht gewürzt, ungesalzen, ungewürzt, wässrig


(salopp) wie eingeschlafene Füße


(meist abwertend) schlabberig


(umgangssprachlich abwertend) labberig


(landschaftlich) laff, lasch, mau, plörrig, abwechslungslos, blass, einförmig, einschläfernd, eintönig, ermüdend, farblos, gehaltlos, geisttötend, gleichförmig, grau, ideenlos, langweilig, monoton, nichtssagend, öde, ohne [jeden] Reiz, reizlos, schal, stumpfsinnig, trocken, trostlos, uninteressant


(bildungssprachlich) ennuyant, trist


(umgangssprachlich) langstielig


(emotional verstärkend) sterbenslangweilig


(salopp emotional verstärkend) stinklangweilig


(bildungssprachlich abwertend) stupide, uniform


(landschaftlich) griesegrau


(veraltet) fatigant